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    Welcome To Ouchi -Bee


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About our Founder

My name is Kayla Hernandez. The reason I chose to build a company on this issue was because of the children. I researched that first aid wasn't being taught in schools as much as it should. First aid, even the simplest steps, should be taught to children. As children, they rely on teachers, parents, and peers. For many, we want children to grow with strong independent, social, and performance skills. My goal for addressing this issue was to create a presentation that will help kids understand first aid more. Teaching kids can be a little difficult sometimes, but I thought of a way that will help them experience and get more involved. I created an Ouchi-Bee; these are simple kits with simple items that we may have. Though these kits may be simple, they have much inside meaning. Kids are having their kits and calling it their own; They will build many skills underneath. With the presentation, the book, and the kits, these kids will understand first aid more and will be excited to show who they are and how they grow as a person. As a teenager myself, we learn things every day no matter what; we were things outside of school. I wanted to be the person, to help these kids grow and build the skills they need to make a bright future.

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Sam Reyna

Our book, was illustrated by Sam Reyna. She is an amazing upcoming artist whos work is amazing. She illustrated our book, to help our mission grow. If you are as amazed with her work as us...Please check out her Instagram page linked down below. She does amazing portraits and more. You can also purchase her art and have it custom!! How amazing.

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